Videos A curated collection of Domain-Driven Design and solving complex business problems videos just for you to start your learning journey! Filters Search Level Advanced Beginner Intermediate Tags -- Select Option -- KanDDDinsky DDD tdd bdd continuous delivery tactical patterns Inclusion diversity domain crunching epistemic injustice bounded context strategic design socio-technical ux organisational design software architecture tactical design polarity mapping design patterns DDDDD functional programming functional domain modelling essential collaborative modelling wardley mapping facilitation visual collaboration complexity thinking bounded contexts distributed systems eventstorming domain story telling domain message flow modelling agile teams cross functional agile product design remote facilitation business model canvas decision-making collaborate modelling remote work wardley maps impact mapping domain storytelling context mapping bias deep democracy service design design heuristics team topologies testing cqrs/es event sourcing cqrs large-scale systems continuous improvement walktrough product development teams and organizations secure by design systems thinking digital transformation enterprise architecture capabilities services business/IT alignment aggregate software design diagramming software modeling microservices hexagonal architecture functional core anti-corruption layer sociotechnical system bourdieu culture frontend mob programming oss big picture remote collaboration behavioral science team building software development agile coaching event-driven architecture long running process process manager capability modelling orchestration choreography aggregate canvas experimentation design legacy refactoring anemic domain model java leadership startup inside-out architecte decisions long term impact team topology patterns live coding haskell event sroucing projections architect decisions architecture scaling software architect ivory tower collaboration domain language sociotechnical systems flow engineering outcome mapping user story mapping complexity theory community psychological safety ai software modelling Alexey Zimarev Domain Driven Design Felienne Hermans Alberto Brandolini Event Storming Yves Reynhout Carola Lilienthal Technical Debt Bernd Rücker Martin Schimak Dennis Doomen Command Query Responsibility Romeu Moura Dennis Traub Alexa Rinat Abdullin Nick Tune Anita Kvamme Ellen Lippe dddeu Serverless Product Owner Curiosity Promise Theory Theory of Constraints Contract Testing Consumer Driven CDCT Voice NLP Functional Kotlin Eventual Consistency Example Mapping KDDDconf KDDD Accelerate Resilience language dddesign ddd europe domain-driven design europe software boolean solvability formal modelling modelling gambling casino apollo space cynefin complexity cognitive bias stream processing apahe kafka apache samza messaging eventsourcing dci security domain-driven security ddsec immutabillity programming concurrency physics of software organisation domain modelling conway's law actor model scala vaughn vernon dddeurope complex adaptive systems ddddeurope sociotechnical unit testing integration testing user interface ui The Secret World of Arrietty 借りぐらしのアリエッティ ジブリ Arrietty's Song Cecile Corbel Simon Caby アリエッティ Arrietty katokitikiti Meine Meinug STUDIO GHIBLI GHIBLI The Borrower Arrietty movie Japan sweez マイネマイヌク マイマイ MeiMei スタジオジブリ セシル・コルベル ジブリ映画 2010 アニメ anime サイモン・カビー technology ux/ui design Reset Crafting Domain-Driven Designed REST APIs – Julien Topçu – DDD Europe 2022 Level: Beginner , Kacper Gunia – Talk Session: War Story: How a Large Corporation Used DDD to Replace a Loyalty System Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner , Case Study: Large-Scale Marketing System – Vladik Khononov – DDD Europe 2020 Vlad Kononov Level: Beginner , The DDD Starter Modelling Process – Maxime Sanglan-Charlier – DDD Europe 2022 Level: Beginner , [2020 DDDTW 年會] DDD 15年文章導讀與相關案例介紹 – Richard 蘇立群 Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner , The Human Exploration of Mars – Dr. Anita Sengupta – DDD Europe 2019 Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner , 2020 DDD Conference Day1 Recap Video Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner , How cognitive biases and ranking kills your modelling sessions Level: Advanced , Domain modelling made simple: Functions and Values – Isaac Abraham Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner ,