領域驅動設計被提倡了十多年之後,近年來卻是用來解決微服務疑難雜症的寶庫。而微服務架構中總會遇到需要處理資料一致性的機會,SAGA pattern 是其中的解決方案;從另外一個角度來看,事件驅動、CQRS 與 Event Sourcing 是幾項可以完成 SAGA pattern 的元素。一堆令人眼花撩亂的架構與名詞其中的關連為何?CQRS 在微服務架構中的角色為何?CQRS 可以帶給我們什麼樣的好處或是缺點?讓我們一起來探討
Decoding Paradoxes: Why are many good ideas in Software Delivery counter-intuitive
How does deploying more frequently improve quality? How does slack time in a team improve reliability? Why should we do it more often if it hurts? These are counter-intuitive concepts that don't make sense at first, and you'll be met with a bewildered stare...