Jim Coplien — Symmetry in Design


Domain-Driven Design Europe 2016 – Brussels, January 26-29 2016
http://dddeurope.com – https://twitter.com/ddd_eu
DDD is rooted in symmetry — i.e., in a hierarchical model of the world into disjoint sets. We know (in fact, one can formally prove) that the world is not so simple. This means that while DDD may lead to a good top-level architecture, the details must almost always break symmetry locally. This in fact is the foundation of patterns and is also the foundation of most popular programming languages' feature sets. It further explains why popular programming languages are “messy.” This talk gives pointers on how to mix symmetry and symmetry-breaking in design by combining DDD, object-orientation, patterns, and DCI, and give an intuitive glimpse of the unifying formalisms that tie them together.


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