There has been a lot of fuzz around the topic of test-driven development; some find it useful; some don't see any value in it. You also have different flavours like Detroit being inside-out, or London going from the outside-in. And then you have people saying TDD is about testing or is it a design tool? In this session, we will talk with Dave Farley about all these topics, and especially how to use TDD as a design tool. Dave Farley is well known in the software community, especially being the co-author of the continuous delivery book. He is also a firm believer that Test-driven development is one of the core principles to do proper continuous delivery.
Decoding Paradoxes: Why are many good ideas in Software Delivery counter-intuitive
How does deploying more frequently improve quality? How does slack time in a team improve reliability? Why should we do it more often if it hurts? These are counter-intuitive concepts that don't make sense at first, and you'll be met with a bewildered stare...