Turn your startup in a stayup with DDD — Marijn Huizendveld


Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017
http://dddeurope.com – https://twitter.com/ddd_eu

Turn your startup in a stayup with DDD

Do you have an idea for a great product that solves a problem in a complex domain? Have you thought about starting a business? Or have you already begun? Perhaps you wonder if DDD can help you while building your Minimum Viable Product and iterate yourself to a Silicon Valley billion $ valuation.

I had all these questions and this is my story about a journey into DDD while bootstrapping a business. Why should you be interested? Because it contains the gory details about applying DDD within a startup. It contains the failures and successes that I would have loved to hear about when I got started. It spans from the initial ideas and our greenfields start. All up until the dark gazes of brownfields code with micro and macroservices…

We will venture into our initial strategy when comes to DDD. A wrong mindset can get you started on the wrong foot which is what I'll be warning for. In particular I'll show our lessons learned as a SaaS that tries to use DDD in order to deliver to market faster and with better results.

But besides that strategic and tactical lessons I want to share a lot about the culture that is needed to make DDD flourish. Because if you get this wrong you will eat up your runway before you know it.

This is not just a story about DDD. It's about success and learning from your failures. It's about agility. Debt, both technical and financial. And most of all about how to build a sustainable business.

About Marijn Huizendveld:
Marijn is founder and lead developer of Pink Tie, the most straightforward online ticketshop for events and theaters in the Netherlands. Building scalable software that stays true to the nature of the business is his passion and his work.


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