Decoding Paradoxes: Why are many good ideas in Software Delivery counter-intuitive

July 16, 2024 6:00 pm (UTC)

How does deploying more frequently improve quality?

How does slack time in a team improve reliability?

Why should we do it more often if it hurts?

These are counter-intuitive concepts that don't make sense at first, and you'll be met with a bewildered stare from your CEO. To improve software delivery we have to understand paradoxical concepts. It's a complex task of juggling social and technical dynamics. There isn't a linear path to follow. How do we deepen our understanding and most importantly, find simpler ways to explain counter-intuitive concepts to others?

In this session, we'll explore these counter-intuitive ideas we grapple with in software delivery, by visualising the socio-technical feedback loops in our software delivery systems.



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