Effective team collaboration and why we need it for modern product experiences?

Today most software products are highly networked and distributed solutions used by 1000s if not -10000s of people spread across the globe. To produce an experience that is intuitive and delivers a quality service worldwide, multi-culturally, and 24/7 across all time zones, you need a multi-disciplinary and diverse set of individuals i.e. a tailored team. Join us in this panel with: Dawn Ahukanna, Nivia Henry, Jessica Kerr, Ruth Malan, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Mathias Verraes, Trond Hjorteland



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Relationship(s) between problem and solution space

Relationship(s) between problem and solution space

One of the more confusing concepts in Domain-Driven Desing is that of problem and solution space. There has been a long debate on Twitter and the ddd-crew github: https://github.com/ddd-crew/strategic-architecture-building-blocks/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed People...