In this # VDDD meetup, we will talk with Ora Egozi-Barzilai and Evelyn van Kelle about their experience with socio-technical architecture. Socio-technical refers to the interrelatedness of social and technical aspects of an organization. Specific for this meetup we will discuss how teams affect the boundaries between bounded contexts and vice versa. These effects will give challenges in the way we design software architecture and organize teams around software to be highly aligned with business goals. Come join us, because together we can ask questions and discuss heuristics and patterns with Ora and Evelyn about socio-technical architecture!
Team Topologies Workshop with Luke and Andy
Please note the event time is 7pm New Zealand Time (7am Central Europe) A workshop to teach participants about the key concepts from the book Team Topologies - and how to apply the Team Topologies modeling shapes to explore organization dynamics. Using the Team...