by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Functional programming enables the modeling of business domains based on a type system. This allows to prevent invariants already at runtime and customers have the possibility to give feedback directly to the code. In this workshop you can try it out yourself. We...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Just when I thought I squeezed everything out of context mapping I've found myself using the format in unconventional ways. If you're interested in what happens when your organization is dealing with multiple business lines, when your technology stack is...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
During recent years Alexey participated in building several production-grade, customer-facing systems with Event Sourcing at heart. What was the driver to choose Event Sourcing as the implementation pattern? What does it have to do with Domain-Driven Design? What...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Bourdieu's social theory applied to tech Every workplace, every community, and in fact every social interaction, is governed by various forces, hidden power structures, implicit oppression and submission. We oppress people by accident, and we are oppressed by...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Context Maps try to illustrate the contact between bounded contexts on a formal level in a holistic view. In addition to the usual supply and service relationships, organizational aspects and team dynamics are also very important. The hands-on starts with a short...