by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
As complexity increases, are you (too often) shouting into the wind? Do you see icebergs ahead yet fail to convince others to avoid them? Are your architecture-focused discussions more exhausting than productive? Does the accountant understand the value of your work?...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Finding the right boundaries of contexts is hard – implementing them can be even harder if the organisation does not change. But how can one change the organisation, how can one be sure that it changes in the right direction? There are signs, mostly perceived as...
by Organisers @virtualddd | May 15, 2020
Bounded Contexts, Microservices, and Everything In Between “95% of the words are spent extolling the benefits of ‘modularity’ and that little, if anything, is said about how to achieve it” – Glenford J. Myers, 1978. This quote is 40 years old. Tody, 4 decades...
by Organisers @virtualddd | Apr 7, 2020
The power of collaborative modelling comes from having a diverse group of people who, together, have a lot of wisdom and knowledge. You would expect that all this knowledge will be put to use, co-creating, and to design a model. In reality, we don’t actually listen to...
by Organisers @virtualddd | Jan 16, 2020
It all started with a tweet by John Cutler <>. And it seemed that a lot of people from these communities learned a lot from each other. And we would love to learn more about different areas of overlap. It seems like goals and culture are aligned in both...