Design bounded contexts by looking at the humans during a big picture EventStorming

Authors: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

Submitter: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

How can I distil bounded context after an EventStorming session?

Short description

Different people are a great indicator of different needs, which means different models. Design a bounded context around the needs of different people.


Where people are during the exploration of a big picture eventstorming, is probably giving the simplest and powerful clue about different model distribution. Experts tend to spend most time hovering around the areas that they know better, to provide answers or to correct wrong stickies¹⁵ that they see on the paper roll. Alternatively, they comment around the areas that they care about, maybe because the current implementation is far from satisfactory.


From Domain-Driven Design: The First 15 Years – Discovering Bounded Contexts with EventStorming by Alberto Brandolini 55


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