by Organisers @virtualddd | Jul 22, 2024
Short description Have a maximum of 7 people for a process or a design leven EventStoming. We want to split and merge when we have more than 7 people. Examples Doing a process or design level EventStorming. With a big picture EventStorming we never split and merge....
by Organisers @virtualddd | Jul 22, 2024
How do we keep the interaction going in a remote EventStorming? When we enforce the timeline we want to have a dedicated person (the driver) moving stickies on the board and make sure that information sticks. Sharon Bowman can help us here in these following trumps:...
by Organisers @virtualddd | Jul 22, 2024
Short description From a process or design level EventStorming, design your bounded contexts around the purple sticky called a policy. Examples When a domain experts mentions: When this event happens we will start the reservation process. We can add a policy that can...
by Organisers @virtualddd | Jul 22, 2024
Short description Different people are a great indicator of different needs, which means different models. Design a bounded context around the needs of different people. Examples Where people are during the exploration of a big picture eventstorming, is probably...
by Organisers @virtualddd | Jul 22, 2024
Short description From a big picture EventStorming workshop, looking for one-way flow of orange stickies, and puth them in the same boundary. Examples A new hotel is created. The hotel images were uploaded. The hotel pricing is done. The hotel pricing is approved. The...