Design bounded contexts by looking at the one-way flow of orange sticky notes during a big picture EventStorming

Authors: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

Submitter: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

How can I distil bounded context after an EventStorming session?

Short description

From a big picture EventStorming workshop, looking for one-way flow of orange stickies, and puth them in the same boundary.


  • A new hotel is created.
  • The hotel images were uploaded.
  • The hotel pricing is done.
  • The hotel pricing is approved.
  • The hotel marked as ready for reserve.
  • The room was reserved.
  • The room was released.


When a domain experts puts a train of orange sticky notes back to back on the wall in the same swimlane, this mean he/she is working on the same related concepts which allighn a business line in which he/she operates.


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