Align with growth strategy

Short description Create separate context for parts of the system business wants to scale up Context Use these at a strategic level when defining bounded context. When you want to seperate core domains from supporting and generic subdomains

Align with historical domain boundaries

Short description Look for parts of the domain which have not changed in a long time. Examples A user inbox for keeping communication message to the customer, this almost never changes. Context We should align boundaries in sociotechnical systems with our business...

Align with investment strategy

Short description Align boundries with the part of the system you want to invest the most time and improvements in the future. Examples Context Use these at a strategic level when defining bounded context. When you want to seperate core domains from supporting and...

Align with key revenue streams

Short description Create bounded context for the parts of the system which currently generate the most money Examples Context Use these at a strategic level when defining bounded context. When you want to seperate core domains from supporting and generic...