Remote EventStorming: Switch driver every 5 minutes during enforcing the timeline

Authors: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

Submitter: Kenny Baas-Schwegler

How do we keep the interaction going in a remote EventStorming?

How do we keep the interaction going in a remote EventStorming?

When we enforce the timeline we want to have a dedicated person (the driver) moving stickies on the board and make sure that information sticks. Sharon Bowman can help us here in these following trumps:

  • Shorter trumps longer
  • Different trumps same.
  • Talking trumps listening

So switch the driver every 5 min naturally to the next person, so that each person will experience these trumps.

Summary of the solution

EventStorming facilitates in creating a pool of shared meaning by creating conversation about each other perception. Physicly the moment people interact on a board it comes natural, however in a remote setting we need to change the way we do that.


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