Creating a Playbook for DDD for the inside of your team with Julie Lerman

Introducing DDD to a company is not easy, especially if you are new to DDD yourself. Following up from the Domain-Driven Design Starter Modelling Process that started describing a step-by-step guide for learning DDD. In this session, we want to extend and improve that process and see if we can describe a step-by-step guide from the inside-out. So what path do we need to take if you cannot start with the big picture strategic modelling? And what dangers lie ahead starting from the inside-out? If your team is your biggest constraint, how can we apply Domain-Driven design pragmatically? If you are new to DDD and would like help, or if you are experienced and would like to offer your advice, please attend this highly-collaborative session and share your ideas. We'll be working on Miro, the online whiteboard, for collaborating.


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Relationship(s) between problem and solution space

Relationship(s) between problem and solution space

One of the more confusing concepts in Domain-Driven Desing is that of problem and solution space. There has been a long debate on Twitter and the ddd-crew github: People...