Panel Discussionteam topologybounded contextuxSocio-technicalStrategic design
One user to bind them all? Products, teams and bounded contexts

One user to bind them all? Products, teams and bounded contexts

In the last meetup, Krisztina found something Jessica said interesting to dive into: 'We are talking in DDD about Bounded Contexts and independent teams and applications, but then we all coupled by having the same user.' That statement led to an exciting...

Panel DiscussionSocio-technicalorganisational designbounded contextux
[DDDDD-20] Natural Boundaries – how to read the signs and benefit from the problems

[DDDDD-20] Natural Boundaries – how to read the signs and benefit from the problems

Finding the right boundaries of contexts is hard - implementing them can be even harder if the organisation does not change. But how can one change the organisation, how can one be sure that it changes in the right direction? There are signs, mostly perceived as a...